
Product positioning in the 20-45 year-old high-end consumer groups

January to October 2010, the total industrial sales value of leather, fur, feathers, and its products industry grew 26.2%, month of year-on-year increase of 28.6%; cumulative output value of new products a year-on-year increase of 27.7%, month of year-on-year increase of 28.1%; cumulative sales rate of 97.5 The% month marketing rate of 98.4%. 1-10 months, light leather cumulative production of 598,806,000 square meters, the cumulative year-on-year increase of 19.9%, the monthly production of 78.902 million square meters, a year-on-year growth of 20.8%.Leather boots complete the cumulative yield 3488327000 pairs, the cumulative year-on-year growth of 23.3%, monthly production of 400.978 million pairs a year-on-year growth of 23.8%; leather garments cumulative production of 53,672,000, the cumulative year-on-year growth of 13.6%, the monthly production of 6.196 million, an increase of 5.1%; tanned fur cumulative production of 24,325,000, the cumulative increase of 43.5%, the monthly production of 3.106 million, an increase of 32.8%. The company is mainly engaged in the men and women shoes and leather products, research and development, production, distribution and retail business, currently has Kanglong fire bird, Marie Claire, Wan Li Weide five own.Product positioning in the 20-45 year-old high-end consumer groups, with a flagship price of 300-500 yuan. The company's sales channels to the dealer.In 2011 the company achieved revenue of 29.7 billion yuan, net profit of 460 million yuan ,2009-2011, operating income and net profit CAGR of 33.4% and 51.1%, respectively. Company before the total issued share capital of 31,998 shares to be issued 8,100 shares, accounting for 20.20% of the total issued share capital.This issue, Wangzhentao directly and indirectly holds 60.77% of the company shares, the actual control. The company's shoes in which the consumer industry, the the boom high ,2005-2010 industry growth rate in more than 10%.High-end shoes presented oligopolistic competition pattern, approximately 46% share of the international market in 2011, Belle, Aokang shoes market share for the twelfth; diverse channels of male shoes, the market structure is being build in 2010, the company brand column domestic men's shoes market share, sub the brand KANGLONG column leisure shoes. The business model of the company's two major points: the multi-brand business strategy, covering high, medium and low-end consumer market, mainly through the distribution and sales model supplemented Direct, the rapid expansion of the channel scale.Company channels compound growth rate of 18.4% in 2008-2011, 12, 13 years the company will be expected to keep the growth of about 15% of the channels, after the listing of the company will be mainly to increase direct sales stores, further enhance the brand influence.The company raised funds 1.02 billion, mainly including marketing network construction project, the information system construction project, three projects of the R & D center technology projects ".

